A Post I Wish I’d Written: Joyce Valenza on Sandy and media literacy

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I’ve been noodling, since Sandy hit, about the need to talk about the massive interplay between traditional and crowdsourced media, between veracity and hoax. If you heard, on a mainstream media outlet, that the New York Stock Exchange was three feet underwater, and then wondered why the story suddenly ceased when certainly, such an action would mean a global economic crisis, then you were one of the many who saw this tension in action. Turns out the NYSE deluge was a product of Photoshop, not Mother Nature.

However, between traveling and catching up, I haven’t had time. No need — Joyce Valenza beat me to it. Be sure to check out her terrific, comprehensive post, made even more remarkable by the fact that she’s currently working without power, using Dunkin’ Donuts’ Wi-Fi to stay current.


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