Quotable: Neil Gaiman on imagination and mistakes

From CNN.com:

“The imagination – it’s a muscle,” [Neil Gaiman] told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Wednesday. “It’s a really important thing. If you want to build the future, if you want to create a literate generation, if you want to create a generation that is not criminal.”

Gaiman says that libraries … are a critical wellspring for imagination…

Of course, imagination is not just about finding new books at the local library…

“[Reading aloud] tells children that they can go into these books, into these forests of words,” Gaiman said. “They can take these 26 symbols and a handful of punctuation marks and build them into stories themselves.” …

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For too many young artists he meets, he told Amanpour, the fear of mistakes is paralyzing.

“They’re sure it has to be perfect; and that terror of trying to be perfect stops them doing anything.”

“What I try and tell people is use your mistakes,” Gaiman said. “Treasure your mistakes.”

Gorgeous advice about what “mistakes demonstrate” and good advice for our makers.

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