eBook Project, Day 9 : Amazon CreateSpace

Last night, Buffy and I spent a whopping four hours talking about our eBook project. We’ve gotten some great submissions already, and we’re so pleased with all of the responses and support we have received. Thank you, everybody!

We’re making our lists and checking it twice when it comes to selecting a just-right publication platform for our eBook. We think we’ve found a great solution (we’ll let you know more about that later) that will facilitate making versions of the book that will work for all eReader platforms and for those reading online.

Now we’re moving onto thinking about print publication. In our submission guidelines, we’ve left the possibility open of whether or not we will also publish in print. We’re looking at a variety of options. We want the tool we select to have no start-up costs, let us upload a document formatted the way we want it to work, have fair purchase prices (we don’t want to profit ourselves, but we also don’t want to gouge anyone who would want a souvenir print copy).

One option that a colleague of mine has used is Amazon’s CreateSpace. You can read more about it in this Mashable.com article below.

In the meantime, please keep your submissions and ideas coming. We’re loving the trust and energy you’re putting into this project.

(PS – I’m loving my iPad’s Zite app, with categories for Kindle and Publishing, because it’s pointing me to a lot of stories about people’s self-publishing journeys.)


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